Let All the People Praise Him

Let all the lands with shouts of joy

Published in 56 hymnals

Printable scores: PDF, Noteworthy Composer
Audio files: MIDI

Representative Text

1 Let all the Lands with Shouts of Joy
2 to God their Voices raise;
Sing Psalms in Honour of His Name,
and spread His glorious Praise.
3 And let them say, How dreadful, Lord,
in all thy Works art Thou!
To thy great Pow'r thy stubborn Foes
shall all be forc'd to bow.

4 Thro' all the Earth the Nations round
shall Thee their God confess;
And with glad Hymns their awful Dread
of thy great Name express.
5 O! come, behold the Works of God;
and then with me you'll own,
That He to all the Sons of Men
has wond'rous Judgments shown.

6 He made the Sea become dry Land,
through which our Fathers walk'd;
Whilst to each other of his Might
with Joy his People talk'd.
7 He by his Pow'r for ever rules;
his Eyes the World survey:
Let no presumptuous Man rebel
against his sov'reign Sway.

Part II

8,9 O! all ye Nations, bless our God,
and loudly speak his Praise;
Who keeps our Soul alive, and still
confirms our stedfast Ways.
10 For Thou hast try'd us, Lord, as Fire
does try the precious Ore:
11 Thou brought'st us into Steights, where we
oppressing Burdens bore.

12 Insulting Foes did us, their Slaves,
thro' Fire and Water chase;
But yet, at last, Thou brought'st us forth
into a wealthy Place.
13 Burnt-off'rings to thy House I'll bring,
and there my Vows I'll pay;
14 Which I with solemn Zeal did make
in Trouble's dismal Day.

15 Then shall the richest Incense smoke,
the fattest Rams shall fall,
The choicest Goats from out the Fold,
and Bullocks from the Stall.
16 O! come, all ye that rear the Lord;
attend with heedful Care,
Whilst I, what God for me has done,
with grateful Joy declare.

17,18 As I, before, His Aid implor'd,
so now I praise His Name;
Who, if my Heart, had harbour'd Sin,
would all my Pray'rs disclaim.
19 But God to me, when e'er I cry'd,
His gracious Ear did bend;
And to the Voice of my Request,
with constant Love, attend.

20 Then bless'd for ever be my God,
who never when I pray,
With-holds his Mercy from my Soul,
nor turns his Face away!

Source: A New Version of the Psalms of David: fitted to the Tunes used in Churches #LXVI

Text Information

First Line: Let all the lands with shouts of joy
Title: Let All the People Praise Him
Source: Tate and Brady
Language: English
Copyright: Public Domain



The Cyber Hymnal #10715
  • PDF (PDF)
  • Noteworthy Composer Score (NWC)


Instances (1 - 1 of 1)

The Cyber Hymnal #10715

Include 55 pre-1979 instances
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