1 Let thy devoted servant go,
Thy word, Lord, to proclaim;
Thine only righteousness to show,
And glorfy thy name.
2 Grant him thine aid to speak thy word,
With readiness each hour:
Attend it with thy Spirit LORD,
And let it come with power.
3 Open the hearts of all that hear,
To make their Saviour room.
O let them find redemption near,
Let faith by hearing come.
4 Give them to hear the word as thine,
Thy servant to receive;
Lord prove thy truths with pow'r divine
That sinners may believe.
5 Then shall thy servant joyful preach,
Thy grace so wide, so free,
Nor ever cease the ways to teach,
That lead, O LORD, to thee.
Source: A Selection of Psalms and Hymns: done under the appointment of the Philadelphian Association #CCI