1 Let us run our race with patience,
With a clear and single eye,
Ever pressing upward, onward,
As the golden moments fly;
There is much that may beguile us,
From the way of truth and right,
That our feet may never wander,
Let us keep the goal in sight.
“Looking unto Jesus,” we the crown can win,
“Looking unto Jesus,” we can conquer sin,
“Looking unto Jesus,” let our watchword be,
This gives Victory.
2 There are many things which hinder,
These may help us t’ward the goal;
In the struggle we may daily
Build the sinews of the soul,
And we know that overcoming
Makes the victory more sweet,
Adds new notes to our rejoicing,
When the Lord of Life we meet. [Refrain]
3 Let us run with earnest purpose,
Keep a steadfast heart and true,
It will help us in our running
If we keep the goal in view;
What a vision to allure us,
As we press our onward way,
Vision splendid and more splendid,
Growing clearer ev’ry day. [Refrain]
Source: The Excelsior Hymnal #114