1 Life is worth living with Jesus,
He always brings hope and cheer;
From all our gloom He relives us,
In Him we'er free from fear.
He is my all in all,
On Him I always call;
Jesus makes life worth living
With hIm I'll never fall.
2 Sadness and doubt will all vanish,
When Jesus gets full control;
Sin and despair He will banish,
Bless ev'ry longing soul [Chorus]
3 Pleasures of earth are all empty,
Never they can satisfy;
Jesus gives riches and plenty,
If you on Him rely. [Chorus]
4 Jesus brings gladness for sorrow,
He makes the gloomy side bright;
He gives us hope for tomorrow,
Blindness is changed to sight. [Chorus]
Source: O Sing unto the Lord a New Song No. 2: a group of songs #1