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1 List to the bells of Christmas! What is the news they ring? List to the children’s anthem! What are the words they sing? This is the bells’ glad message, This is the children’s song: Lo! in the Bethlehem village Jesus, the Lord, is born. 2 "Joy to the world!" the bells chime; "Good will," the children sing; "Jesus is born, our Savior, Our Lord, Redeemer, King. He who came down from Heaven, Dying that we might live, He who His dear self gave us, Teaching us how to give." 3 This is the bells’ glad message, This is the children’s song, Echoing through the ages On each glad Christmas morn! "Joy to the world!" the bells chime; "Good will," the children sing; "Jesus is born, our Savior, The Christ, Redeemer, King." | The Cyber Hymnal #11626 |