1 Listen, sinner, to the voice
Of thy reason’s noble choice,
For thy better judgment calls thee to repent;
Reason tells thee there’s a God,
Bids thee tremble at His word,
And invites thee to the Savior He has sent.
Come and be saved, come and be saved,
Take the cross and you shall wear a starry crown.
2 There’s conviction in thy heart
That from sin you should depart,
Oh, that monitor in mercy do obey;
’Tis a canker in thy breast
That will never let thee rest,
If you do not turn from sin’s destructive way. [Refrain]
3 Jesus came, the Son of God,
Shed for you His precious blood,
Oh, behold Him dying on the cursed tree!
Can you slight His love so true,
Holding out a crown for you?
Hasten, sinner, Christ is calling loud for thee. [Refrain]
3 Jesus comes in melting love,
Drawing you to joys above,
Gently knocking for admittance in thy soul;
Harken to His voice within,
Warning thee to flee from sin,
To the kingdom of the Savior’s sweet control. [Refrain]
4 Heaven wills to thee a crown,
Hell is moved to cast thee down,
And this moment may decide thy endless state;
Father, Son, and Spirit call,
Reason, conscience, thunder all,
Sinner, wake and turn to God before too late. [Refrain]
Select Hymns, 1911 (Timeless Truths)