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1 Look unto Him who has carried your sin, Jesus, forever the same; Trust Him who died your salvation to win, Jesus, forever the same. Do not reject Him, O do not delay, Come to the Saviour, the Life and the Way, Ready and willing to save you today, Jesus, forever the same. Refrain: Forever the same, Jesus, forever the same, Forever the same, Jesus, forever the same. 2 How can you doubt Him who loved your of old, Jesus, forever the same; Still He is waiting with patience untold, Jesus, forever the same. How can you slight Him, the changeless and true? Showing His kindness and mercy to you, Guarding and keeping you all your life thro’, Jesus, forever the same. [Refrain] 3 Friends may forget you, but Jesus will care, Jesus, forever the same; Heartache and sorrow the Saviour will share, Jesus, forever the same. Mighty Redeemer, He still intercedes, Still for His people he Lovingly pleads; Come with your burden, He knoweth your needs, Jesus, forever the same. [Refrain] | Songs of Sovereign Grace #48 (1897) |