1 Lord, our hearts to Thee are turning,
We would worship at Thy throne,
For our love for Thee is burning,
We would worship Thee alone.
Give us faith to take Thy promise,
For on Thee our hopes we lay;
As we now approach to worship,
Teach, our minds and hearts in truth to say.
2 Jesus, Thou are pure and holy,
Hallowed be Thy holy name,
Let Thy Kingdom in its glory
Be for evermore the same.
Give to us our daily portion,
For on Thee we now depend;
Love us freely, lead us gently,
Thro’ the years of life unto the end.
3 Grant us grace and sweet forgiveness,
We forgive our debtors, too;
Teach our hearts to be unselfish,
Let us to Thy name be true.
From our heats keep every evil,
Take the stain of sin away;
And the Kingdom, pow’r and Glory,
Shall be Thine, and only Thine for aye.
Source: Assembly Songs: for use in evangelistic services, Sabbath schools, young peoples societies, devotional meetings, and the home #65