1 Lord, save me, for thy glorious Name;
2 and in thy Strength appear,
To judge my Cause; accept my Pray'r,
and to my Words give Ear.
3 Mere Strangers, whom I never wrong'd,
to ruin me design'd;
And cruel Men, that fear no God,
against my Soul combin'd.
4,5 But God takes part with all my Friends;
and He's the surest Guard:
The God of Truth shall give my Foes
their Falshood's just Reward;
6 While I my grateful Off'rings bring,
and sacrifice with Joy;
And in his Praise my Time to come
delightfully employ.
7 From dreadful Danger and Distress
the Lord hath set me free:
Thro' Him shall I, of all my Foes,
the just Destruction see.
Source: A New Version of the Psalms of David: fitted to the Tunes used in Churches #LIV