1 Lord, show me thy glory, the light of thy face,
The wonders of goodness and love;
In Jesus, my Lord, there’s abundance of grace,
And fullness of joy from above.
Lord, show me thy glory, the wonderful glory;
Drive sin and its darkness away;
Lord, show me thy glory, thy wonderful glory,
In Jesus, my Savior, today.
2 Lord, show me thy glory; I’m hid in the cleft,
The Rock that was riven for me;
Without thee, of comfort and hope I’m bereft,
All blessing is centered in thee. [Refrain]
3 Lord, show me thy glory; tho’ here but in part,
The love in Emmanuel, I see,
Thy peace without measure is filling my heart,
Day breaks, and the shadows will flee. [Refrain]
4 Lord, show me thy glory, and help me, I pray,
Reflecting thy image Divine;
Transformed more and more by thy likeness each day,
Till thro’ me thy radiance shall shine. [Refrain]
Source: Songs of Praise and Salvation #120