1 Lord, thou hast bid the people pray
For all that bear the sov'reign sway,
And thy vicegerents reign;
Rulers, and Governors, and powers:
And lo! we humbly pray for ours;
Nor can we pray in vain.
2 Jesus, thy chosen servant guard,
And every threatening danger ward
From his anointed head;
Bid all his griefs and troubles cease,
Thro' paths of righteousness and peace
Our king, propitious lead.
3 Cover his enemies with shame,
Defeat their proud malicious aim,
And make their councils vain;
Preserve him, providence divine,
And let the long illustrious line
To latest ages reign.
4 Upon him shower thy blessings down,
Crown him with grace, with glory crown,
And everlasting joys;
While wealth, prosperity and peace,
Our nations and our churches bless,
And praise the globe employs.
Source: A Selection of Hymns: from the best authors, intended to be an appendix to Dr. Watt's psalms and hymns. (1st Am. ed.) #DXXXVI