1 Lord, Thy omniscience I adore!
Thou knowest all that was before,
Is now, and all that e'er shall be
In time and thro' eternity.
2 Lord, Thou hast searched and seen me thro';
Awake, asleep, I'm in Thy view;
My going out, my coming in,
Thou seest, and my tho'ts within.
3 Before my lips my thoughts obey,
Thou knowest what I mean to say;
Yea, long ere yet they are my own,
My tho'ts, as Thine, to Thee are known.
4 Such knowledge is too great for me,
Too wonderful! I bow to Thee
In humble awe, and rapt adore
Thy vast omniscience all the more!
5 Lord Jesus do Thou light my heart
And bid all darkness thence depart!
O keep me steadfast in Thy grace
Till I shall see Thee face to face.
Source: American Lutheran Hymnal #155