1 Lord, we feel the show'rs of blessing,
Falling gently from above,
On our hearts with calm refreshing,
Token of Thy boundless love.
Hallelujah! show'rs of blessing,
Now are falling, Lord, on me,
Hallelujah! show'rs refreshing,
Thou art giving graciously.
2 While beneath, Thy copious showers,
We are being so refreshed;
May these brimming cups of ours
Share their fullness with th' oppressed. [Chorus]
3 By these showers cleans'd and gladdened,
Let our zeal and love increase;
And to hearts that now are saddened
Use us to impart Thy peace. [Chorus]
4 Lord, we feel Thy show'rs of blessing,
Oh, how rich and full and free!
While Thou art our souls refreshing
May we each a blessing be. [Chorus]
Source: International Praise: for the Sunday school and church #3