1 Make a forward move for the Lord today,
Come over on the other side;
‘Tis the King’s command, dare you disobey?
Come over on the other side.
Show your colors, show your colors,
Join His army true and tried;
With the hosts of sin you will never win,
Come over on the other side;
Show your colors, show your colors,
For the King they crucified;
Jesus leads the way to Eternal Day,
Come over on the other side.
2 Take your stand for right in the battle’s van,
Come over on the other side;
It will try the steel of the bravest man,
Come over on the other side. [Refrain]
3 Soon the light will come, soon the darkness fade,
Come over on the other side;
They will find no hope who have then delayed,
Come over on the other side. [Refrain]
4 Make a forward move, Jesus loves you so,
Come over on the other side;
There is joy and peace that your soul shall know,
Come over on the other side. [Refrain]
Source: Jubilate : A Modern Sunday-School Hymnal #7