1 Marching up the narrow way,
Marching up the King’s highway,
With our footsteps in the right,
We’ll take the world by faith and might.
Christ, our captain, leads the host,
He is ever at His post.
And with courage true and strong
We’ll conquer every wrong.
March, march, march, steadily march, march on,
March, march, march, until the victory is won;
March, march, march, led by the Gospel light,
Strong in His strength of might,
March on, march on.
2 Every day on every side
Subtle enemies abide,
But with sword and shield of truth,
We’ll surely triumph in our youth.
When our warfare here is done,
And our crown of victory won,
We shall lay our arms aside
And with our king abide. [Refrain]
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #11179