1 Methinks I hear my Saviour's voice,
Which makes my heart and soul rejoice.
I march along, and my decrees
Fulfilling are, just as I please.
2 My coming maketh no delay;
Watch for my coming, watch and pray.
Behold the signs, I'm at the door;
Watch, keep your garments clean, therefore.
3 Surely I come, and my reward
I bring with me, saith Christ the Lord:
I quickly come, wait patiently;
My coming surely doth draw nigh.
4 Hold fast what thou of me receiv'd,
Knowing in whom thou hast believ'd.
I am not slack, nor will I fail,
Nor shall my enemies prevail.
5 God will avenge his chosen ones,
And he will save his fav'rite sons,
Which unto him cry night and day;
He will them save, without delay.
6 I come, I come, to do my will,
And all my pleasure to fulfil.
I come to set my children free,
And take them all to dwell with me.
Source: A Choice Collection of Hymns, in which are some never before printed #XI