1 Mighty, yet meek,
He comes to seek
And save the lost;
To bring us peace,
And sweet release,
At countless cost,
At countless cost.
2 Ye hearts that bleed,
The bruised reed
He will not break.
The smold'ring fire
Shall not expire,
He bids it wake,
He bids it wake.
3 Pris'ners of hope,
Who helpless grope
In dungeon cells;
Lo, Jesus comes,
And from the tombs
Darkness dispels,
Darkness dispels.
4 Behold our king
Shall judgment bring,
And right shall reign,
The blind shall see,
And captives be
Unbound again,
Unbound again.
5 Haste, bring the light
That scatters night;
The nations wait,
Lord, not in vain
For thee to reign
In royal state,
In royal state.
Source: Minnetonka Songs: for Sabbath Schools, compiled especially for the Minnetonka Sabbath-School Assembly #18