1 Moment by moment in touch with Thee,
Jesus my Lord, may I ever be;
Earnest in purpose, in word and deed,
Following where Thy dear hand may lead.
Moment by moment Thy voice to hear,
Moment by moment to feel Thee near!
Oh, it is fulness of joy to be
Moment by moment in touch with Thee!
2 Moment by moment, Lord, keep me Thine,
Let Thine own love-light within me shine,
That upon others its beams may fall,
And they may crown Thee the Lord of all. [Chorus]
3 Moment by moment Thine aid I need,
Trying to sow the most precious seed,
That I at last may rejoicing come,
Bringing my sheaves at the harvest-home. [Chorus]
Source: Coronation Hymns: for the Church and Sunday-school (with supplement) #86