1 My father and mother, how good to me and kind!
Friends better and kinder, I'll never, never find;
How can I, how can I their tender care repay?
How prove that I love them, and thank them ev'ry day?
For God hath said:
"Honor thy father and thy mother:
that thy days may be long upon the land
which the Lord thy God giveth thee."
2 My father, my mother, I'll honor and obey,
To keep the Lord's commandment in all I do and say;
For me they toil and labor, and burdens hard they bear,
Oh, let my hands do something to ease their load of care. [Chorus]
3 My father, my mother, God bless you while you live!
I'll try to make you happy and help and comfort give;
God bless you, God bless you, your grateful child will pray,
And may I ever please you, in love's delightful way. [Chorus]
Source: Bible Study Songs: for junior societies, junior and primary Sunday schools #40