Display Title: Sincerity profest, And Grace try'd; or, The Heart-searching God First Line: My GOD, what inward Grief I feel Meter: Long Metre Scripture: Psalm 139 Date: 1740 Subject: Appeal to God | concerning our sincerity; Daily Devotion | ; Evening Psalm | ; Evidence | of Sincerity; Examination, or Evidences of Graces | ; God | All-seeing; God | Heart searching; God | his Wisdomin his Works; Grace | and providence; Heart known to God | ; Holiness | protest; Humility and Submission | ; Infants | ; Man | wonderful formation; Mercies | innumerable; Midnight thoughts | ; Nature | of man; Obedience | sincere; Profession | of Sincerity and Repentance; Sincerity | ; Trial | of our hearts
The Psalms of David #258