1 My heart a blissful theme indites;
Rehearse, my lips the song!
A lovely gift, the gift of Heaven,
Impels the strain along.
2 See where, amid a smiling train,
The modest bridegroom stands;
Exulting to complete his love,
In wedlockâs sacred bands!
3 Be his, the eloquence of truth,
The tenderness of soul!
With virtue bright be every scene,
Long as the years shall roll!
4 Fair maiden! now from home estranged,
And charms which none forget,
Accept the hand that wipes thy tears,
And softens thy regret!
5 Nor deem thy much loved parents lost;
Yet blooms a brighter joy;
United hearts, domestic bliss,
And cares that never cloy!
6 Confirm, in Heaven, our blessings, Lord!
On this new wedded pair!
To them be Thou a glorious throne,
And hear their mutual prayer!
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #11615