1. My heart rejoiced to hear
The people this declare,
We'll to Jehovah's house ascend.
2. Our feet shall henceforth wait
Within fair Salem's gate,
And sacred worship there attend.
3. Jerusalem is built
A city, richly gilt,
Compact, and great shall be in fame.
4. God's covenant ark is there,
Thither his tribes repair.
To thank, and praise, Jehovah's name.
5. Justice has there it's place,
With thrones of David's race.
6. O pray for Salem's happy peace;
They prosper that love thee.
7. Within thy walls peace be,
Thy palaces, with joy increase.
8. For friends, and brethren's sake,
Whose good my own I make,
Thy peace shall be my constant prayer.
9. Because the Lord, our God,
His house makes his abode,
Thy weal shall ever be my care.
A New Version of the Psalms of David, 1752