1 My Hope, my All, my Saviour Thou!
To Thee, O Lord, my soul I bow.
I seek the bliss Thy wounds impart,
I long to find Thee in my heart.
2 Be Thou my Strength, be Thou my Way,
Protect me through my life's short day;
In all my acts may wisdom guide,
And keep me, Saviour, near Thy side,
3 Correct, reprove, and comfort me;
As I have need, my Saviour be:
And if I would from Thee depart,
Then clasp me, Saviour, to Thy heart.
4 In fierce temptation's darkest hour,
Save me from sin and Satan's power;
Tear every idol from Thy throne,
And reign, my Saviour, reign alone.
Source: Common Service Book of the Lutheran Church #366
My Hope, my All, my Saviour Thou. [Jesus, All in All.] This hymn has been traced to A Pocket Hymn Book designed as a constant Companion for the Pious, collected from Various Authors. York, B. Spence, 1774 (5th ed., 1786, No. 114), in 5 stanzas of 4 lines. Through this Pocket Hymn Book, which, in a reprint, was the first Methodist hymn book used in America, it came into use in that country. The full and unaltered text is in Dr. Hatfield's Church Hymn Book, N. Y., 1872, No. 964. In the Methodist Episcopal Hymnal, 1878, it is given in 4 stanzas, and ascribed to “Thomas Coke." As the hymn was published in a Methodist Pocket Hymn Book, in 1774, and Dr. Coke did not make the acquaintance of J. Wesley until August 13, 1776, this can hardly be so. Moreover, there is no mention of his having written hymns at that time, or at any time, in Dr. Etheridge's authorised edition of his Life, 1860. We are obliged therefore to say it is Anonymous.
--John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology (1907)