1 My Savior died to open wide
The gates of life for me;
To save my soul from sin’s control,
And give me liberty;
His blood can wash my stain
Till not a spot remains;
The blood of Jesus cleanseth white as snow, white as snow.
The blood of Jesus cleanseth white as snow, white as snow;
The blood of Jesus cleanseth white as snow, white as snow;
I bless the happy day
When He took my sins away;
The blood of Jesus cleanseth white as snow, white as snow.
2 One song shall ring to heaven’s King,
From all the ransom’d hosts;
They sing His name, His praise proclaim,
His cross is all their boast;
I too, will join the song,
The happy theme prolong,
The blood of Jesus cleanseth white as snow, white as snow. [Refrain]
3 Now all the way, I’ll watch and pray,
And sing redeeming love;
His keeping pow’r I’ll prove each hour
He leads my soul above;
And still will I abide
Where flows salvation’s tide;
The blood of Jesus cleanseth white as snow, white as snow. [Refrain]
Source: The Finest of the Wheat No. 2 #159