1 Nature, she shews her weeping eyes,
When e'er a near relation dies;
Her streaming eyes flow down with tears,
Her streaming eyes flow down with tears,
A sad, a mournful face appears.
2 Nature laments the grievous loss,
Repines and mourns beneath the cross!
Because it cannot be resign'd
Because it cannot be resign'd
To God our heav'nly Father's mind.
3 Around the coffin nature stands,
With quiv'ring lips and tremb'ling hands;
With restless eyes surveys the dead,
With restless eyes surveys the dead,
The great destruction death has made.
4 With murm'ring eyes she doth survey
Her fellow lump of mortal clay;
Destroy'd by Death's consuming spear,
Destroy'd by Death's consuming spear,
The King of Nature's dread and fear.
5 Nature is not subject we find
To the Almighty's sacred mind;
She cannot say, Oh sov'reign Son
She cannot say, Oh sov'reign Son
Thy ways are just, thy will be done.
6 We in the spirit are resign'd
To God's all righteous will and mind;
And thus the true believer says,
And thus the true believer says,
"The Lord is just in all his ways."
7 He says "Thy heav'nly will be done,
Thou righteous Lord, eternal Son;
Thou everlasting God and king,
Thou everlasting God and king,
Thy will be done in every thing."
Source: The Delights of Harmony; or, Norfolk Compiler: being a new collection of psalm tunes, hymns and anthems with a variety of set pieces, from the most approved American and European authors... #44b