1 Night has closed the gates,
Fades away the twilight,
While all nature waits,
Watching for the morn,
When the Christ was born,
Christ the Star of daylight.
2 Olden prophets spake
Many a word of warning;
"From your slumbers wake!
Lo! the heav’ns are riv’n,
For sure a Son is giv’n!"
Given with the dawning.
3 Psalmists sang their song,
Song of loving kindness,
Of the promise long,
Sure, with mercy dight,
Sure in giving light;
Light unto man’s blindness.
4 Christ, the Light has come,
Christ, true mercy bringing,
Earth is Heaven’s home,
Earth, where angels’ cry,
"Praise to God on high,"
Through the night is ringing.
5 Jesu, Mary’s Son!
Born for every nation,
By the grace Thou’st won,
Shed from Heaven’s height,
Mercy, truth and light,
In the end, salvation.
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #11733