1 Nobody cares, said an outcast one day;
My life has been ruined, I drifted away;
Entrapped by the evil one into his snares,
Forsaken by all—nobody cares!
Nobody cares? That may have been true;
But wandering one, we are praying for you;
O list to the story of love ever new;
Jesus, my Savior, cares for you.
2 Nobody cares, said another in sin;
Since everything’s gone, who will now take me in?
My father’s forgotten me, mother is gone,
And nobody cares—I’m left alone. [Refrain]
3 Nobody cares, said a man in his cell;
I’m reaping the harvest I’ve sown so well;
They say I’m a wreck, come, look now and see,
There’s nobody cares for me, for me. [Refrain]
4 Come, burdened heart, with thy sin-laden soul;
The Savior is waiting to make thee whole;
Sweet rest He has promised—His promise is true,
For God in His love careth for you. [Refrain]
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #11753