Not to the Mount that burn'd with fire,
To darkness, tempest, and the sound
Of trumpet sounding higher and higher,
Nor voice of words that rent the ground,
While Israel heard with trembling awe
Jehovah thunder forth His law:--
But to Mount Zion we are come,
The city of the living God,
Jerusalem our heavenly home,
The courts by angel-legions trod;
Where meet in everlasting love
The Church of the first-born above:--
To God, the judge of quick and dead,
The perfect spirits of the just,
Jesus, our great new covenant Head,
The blood of sprinkling,--from the dust,
That better things than Abel's cries,
And pleads a Saviour's sacrifice.
O hearken to the healing voice,
That speaks from heaven, in tones so mild;
To-day, are life and death our choice;
To-day, through mercy reconciled,
Our all to God we yet may give;
Now let us hear His voice, and live.
Source: Sacred Poems and Hymns #109