1 Now in the love of the Savior abiding,
Feeling the peace that shall ne'er pass away;
Sweetly I rest since I know He is guiding
Giving me strength to suffice for my day.
Kept by the power of God day after day,
Kept by the pow'r of God, bright is my way!
Safe I abide, close to His side,
Kept by the pow'r of God!
2 Kept by the power of God, I am dreading
Naught that the future is holding in store;
Faith o'er my pathway its radiance shedding,
Kept by the power of God evermore. [Chorus]
3 Clasping His hand Who will never forsake me,
Onward I journey in sunshine of shade;
Safely across death's dark water He'll take me,
Clasping His hand, I shall not be afraid. [Chorus]
4 Kept by the power of God, let me ever
Tell unto others His goodness to me;
Gladly I'll serve Him with earnest endeavor,
As He has blest me, a blessing I'll be. [Chorus]
Source: The Victory: a collection of popular Sunday school songs new and old #108