1 Now Lord, though we must part awhile,
Upon the heavenly road;
Yet let thy face upon us smile,
And keep us near our God.
2 And if on earth again we meet,
Lord let us meet with thee;
And let thy gracious presence sweet
From bondage set us free.
3 This only this we humbly crave,
While earth is our abode;
That we with Christ and saints may have,
Communion on the road.
4 For since our fellowship below,
Affords such joy and love;
We long its full extent to know,
When we shall meet above.
5 Let this, O Lord excite us on,
To keep the narrow way,
Till we shall meet around thy throne,
With all the heirs of day.
6 Come Holy Ghost, our souls inspire!
Maintain this flame of love,
Till we shall join that glorious choir,
Of worshipers above.
The Christian's duty, exhibited in a series of hymns, 1791