1 Now the spring has come again, joy and warmth will follow;
Cold and wet are quite forgot, northward flies the swallow;
Over sea and land and air spring's soft touch is everywhere
And the world looks cleaner;
All our sinews fell new strung, hearts are light that once wer wrung,
Youthful zests are keener.
2 All the woods are now in leaf, all the fruit is budding,
Bees are humming round the hive, done with winter's brooding;
Seas are calm and blue again, clouds no more foretell the rain,
Winds are soft and tender;
High above the kingly sun laughs once more his course to run,
Shines in all his splendor.
3 god is in the midst of her. God commands her duty;
Earth does but reflect his light, mirrors back his beauty;
God's the fount whence all things flow, great and small above, below,
God's their only maker;
We but poorest patterns are of that Mind beyond compare,
God our great Creator.
Source: The Hymnal for Boys and Girls #85