1 Now unto thee, the high and
holy, holy, holy,
Pow'r and dominion all the world ascribe;
thou, God, shalt reign supreme.
Far away, far away
o'er the battlements of heaven rise
Songs of joy, heav'nly joy,
Ringing thro' the portals of the skies;
"Glory ever be unto Christ our King,
Whom the hosts of heav'n adore;
Glory ever be unto Christ our King,
Forever, evermore!"
2 Hearts now with rapture full are
swelling, swelling, swelling,
Praising the God of our salvation
who our lost souls did redeem. [Chorus]
3 Angels and men thy love are
telling, telling, telling,
Jesus to save our souls from endless death,
in love the cross hath borne. [Chorus]
4 Thy glory all the earth is
filling, filling, filling
O haste the day when all the world shall see the
dawn of love's bright morn. [Chorus]