1 O beautiful land, where the weary shall rest!
O glorious abode, happy home of the blest!
O Saviour of souls! let me there be the guest,
How sweet it will be to be there.
How sweet to be there! how sweet to be there!
Where all is so lovely and fair,
Not a sorrow shall come to that beautiful home,
How sweet it will be to be there.
2 O mansions of light, where no clouds intervene!
O pastures of love, with your verdure so green!
O rivers of joy, flowing round the bright scene,
How sweet it must be to be there. [Chorus]
3 O wide spreading trees, with your soft, cooling shade!
O rich-laden fields, in your beauty arrayed!
O rare-scented flow’rs, blooming never to fade!
How sweet it must be to be there. [Chorus]
4 O glorified throng at Immanuel’s feet!
O rapturous song that His praises repeat!
O wonderful love! all in Christ made complete,
How sweet it must be to be there. [Chorus]
Source: The Young People's Hymnal No. 3: adapted to the use of Sunday Schools, Epworth Leagues, prayer meetings and revivals #8