1 Oh, beautiful thou art,
Our sweet Virgin Queen,
Come reign within each heart,
Peaceful and serene.
See, with love now thrilling
all thy children's hearts,
Joy each breast is filling,
Sadness now departs,
Joy each breath is filling,
Sadness now departs.
2 Oh list to strains now swelling
Even to thy throne;
O call us for this dwelling,--
Leave us not alone.
Mother ever holy,
Hear us as we pray;
Virgin pure and lowly
With us ever stay.
3 Ah! when we're sad and weary:
Tired of life and sin,
And when the way looks dreary
Haste thy child and win.
When death lays his finger
On our key brow,
Oh, then near us linger,
Linger then as now.
Source: Laudis Corona: the new Sunday school hymn book, containing a collection of Catholic hymns, arranged for the principal seasons and festivals of the year #76