1 Oh, Book of books! I love it,
I prize it more and more;
It seems, each time I read it,
More precious than before.
When troubled, I consult it—
When weary, to it turn,
And find therein the comfort
For which my spirits yearn.
Oh, Book of books! I love it,
I prize it more and more;
It seems, each time I read it,
More precious than before.
2 I love each gracious promise,
I love to claim them mine,
And gather from its pages
New pow’r and strength divine.
More welcome than a letter
From friend in far-off land,
I take it as a message
From One close, close at hand. [Refrain]
3 From One who knows and loves me,
Who understands my need,
Who satisfies my longing,
And gives me joy indeed;
Yes, joy which makes e’en sorrow
More blessed and more sweet
Than world’s best joys without Him,
With gayety complete. [Refrain]
4 Its words, in all their fullness,
Are to my way a light;
They guide me in the daytime,
Are with me in the night;
And oh! without its pages,
Where could I find the pow’r
To keep me from temptation,
Or fill the lonely heart? [Refrain]
5 Where else for peace unchanging
And gladness could I go?
A hope it puts before me,
A comfort here below;
And soon the precious Savior
It taught me here to love,
I’ll see, and know, and worship
Forevermore above. [Refrain]
Source: Best Hymns No. 4 #5