1 O chief of cities, Bethlehem,
Of David’s crown the fairest gem,
But more to us than David’s name,
In you, as man, the Savior came.
2 Beyond the sun in splendor bright,
Above you stands a wondrous light
Proclaiming from the conscious skies
That here in flesh, the Godhead lies.
3 The Wise Men, seeing him so fair,
Bow low before him and with prayer
Their treasured eastern gifts unfold
Of incense, myrrh, and royal gold.
4 The golden tribute owns him king,
But frankincense to God they bring,
And last, prophetic sign, with myrrh
They shadow forth his sepulcher.
5 O Jesus, whom the Gentiles see,
With Father, Spirit, One in Three:
To you, O God, be glory giv’n
By saints on earth and saints in heav’n.
Source: Lutheran Worship #76