O for the wisdom from above,
Pure, gentle, peaceable, and mild,
The innocency of the dove,
The meekness of a little child.
Wise may we be to know the truth,
Reveal'd in every Scripture page;
Wise to salvation from our youth,
And wiser grow from stage to stage.
Then if to riper years, we rise,
And well the work of grace be wrought
Within ourselves,--we shall be wise
To teach in turn what we were taught.
Yet still be learning, day by day,
More of God's Word, God's way, God's will;
His law, rejoicing to obey,
Pleas'd His whole pleasure to fulfill,
Wise to win souls, if thus we're led,
How blest will be our lot below,
Blessings to share, and blessings shed
On all with whom to heaven we go.
So may we reach that home at length,
And, clad in righteousness divine,
Even as the sun, when in his strength,
And as the stars, for ever, shine.
Sacred Poems and Hymns