1. O God, the joy of Heav’n above,
Thou didst not need Thy creatures’ love,
When from Thy secret place of rest
Thy Word the earth’s foundations blest.
2. Thou spakest: worlds began to be;
They bow before Thy majesty;
And all to their creator raise
A wondrous harmony of praise.
3. But ere, O Lord, this lovely earth
From Thy creative will had birth,
Thou in Thy counsels didst unfold
Another world of fairer mold.
4. That realm shall our Redeemer frame,
And build upon His mighty name;
His hand the word of power shall sow,
That all the earth His truth may know.
5. When time itself has passed away,
His Church, secure in Heav’n for aye,
Shall share His table and His throne,
And God the Father reign alone.
6. O Father, Son, and Spirit blest,
One God in Heav’n and earth confessed,
Preserve, direct, and fill with love
Thy realm on earth, Thy realm above.
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #4859