1 How happy they who know the Lord,
With whom he deigns to dwell!
He feeds and cheers them by his word,
His arm supports them well.
2 Wandeirng in sin, our souls he found,
And bid us seek his face;
Gave us to hear the gospel sound,
And taste the gospel grace.
3 His presence sweetens all their cares,
And makes their burdens light;
A word from him dispels their fears,
And breaks the gloom of night.
4 Lord we expect to suffer here,
Nor would be dare repine;,
But give us still, to find thee near,
And own us, still for thine.
5 Let us enjoy and highly prize
These tokens of thy love:
Till thou shalt bid our spirits rise,
To worship thee above.
The Hartford Selection of Hymns from the most approved authors, 1799