1 Oh how happy are they
In their white robes arrayed!
Round the throne of dear Jesus they stand;
From all nations, and kindreds,
And peoples, and tongues,
They have gone to Immanuel’s Land.
A chorus of praise to Jesus they raise,
Round the throne in Immanuel’s Land.
2 From the east and the west,
From the north and the south,
From the isles of the sea—a blest band—
Thro’ the dear Father’s love,
And the dear Savior’s blood,
They are safe in Immanuel’s Land.
A chorus of praise to Jesus they raise,
Round the throne in Immanuel’s Land.
3 They have gone from temptation,
From sorrow and sin,
And forever in glory they stand;
And their robes they have washed
In the blood of the Lamb,
So are safe in Immanuel’s Land.
A chorus of praise to Jesus they raise,
Round the throne in Immanuel’s Land.
4 And the beautiful gates of the City of Light,
Will be opened by Jesus’ command,
Unto you and to me, if we give Him our love,
And we’ll enter Immanuel’s Land.
A chorus of praise to Jesus we’ll raise,
Round the throne in Immanuel’s Land.
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #13399