1 O how is Zion’s glory gone!
And vengeance, like a flood,
Hath quenched her power, and not a stone
Marks where her temple stood.
2 How are thy streets, Jerusalem,
By careless strangers trod!
And crushed thy once proud diadem
Before the wrath of God!
3 How are thy friendless exiles sent
Through distant lands to roam!
Yet in each place of banishment
They cannot find a home.
4 O Lord, look down with pitying eye
Upon Thine ancient race;
And bring Thy promised mercy nigh,
And show Thy saving grace.
5 Remove the veil that long hath hid
The Savior from their sight;
Conquer their prejudice, and bid
Their darkness turn to light.
6 O bring Thy scattered sheep again,
And feed them as of old;
Let Christ o’er all His people reign,
One Shepherd, and one fold.
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #9549