1 O Jesus, faithful Shepherd, Lord!
We pray, thy heav'nly grace afford,
Thou art the life, the truth and way,
Thou seekest those that go astray.
2 Look on the flock presented here,
Who at thy throne of grace appear;
They are the purchase of thy blood,
And dedicated unto God.
3 Thy mercy kept them all their days,
Though they have walk'd in sinful ways:
The way wherein great numbers go,
The way that leads to endless woe.
4 Their hearts should be with grief oppress'd
And godly sorrow fill each breast;
Sure they would mourn, could they but see
How they have err'd and stray'd from thee.
5 O Let thy grace and love be felt,
And cause their stony hearts to melt;
Make deep impressions on their mind,
That makes them humble and resign'd.
6 Shew mercy, Lord, to them, we pray,
Grant light and life, in which they may,
Return to thee, their Lord again,
And faithful until death remain.
Source: Church Hymn Book: consisting of newly composed hymns with the addition of hymns and psalms, from other authors, carefully adapted for the use of public worship, and many other occasions (1st ed.) #CCV