1 Oh, joyfully, joyfully, onward we go;
We see not our path, but our Leader we know;
And where'er he may guide us, thro' shadow or sun.
Ever joyfully, joyfully follow we on.
Joyfully, joyfully, forward we go,
Joyfully leaving all sorrow below;
Onward and upward, tho' Satan assail;
Joyfully onward, thro' Christ we'll prevail.
2 Though trials assail us, and dangers affright,
And nearer, still nearer, comes death's awful night;
Yet what shall dismay us, when close at our side,
Stands he who can help us, our Saviour and Guide. [Chorus]
3 Then onward, still onward, thro' life's varied track,
In hope we press on, nor look mournfully back;
With out Saviour beside us to point out our way,
We'll joyfully speed us thro' life's little day. [Chorus]
Source: Junior Songs: a collection of sacred hymns and songs; for use in meetings of junior societies, Sunday Schools, etc. #28