1 O Let me praise my Saviour's love,
Whose gifts are ever new;
Who sends his blessings from above,
Like as the morning dew.
2 O let me then with joy appear!
And worship at his throne;
With songs of praise his love declare,
And shew what he has done.
3 He guarded me through all the night
And ev'ry fatal hour;
Once more I am restor'd to light,
By his Almighty pow;r.
4 May I be in his gracious hands,
An object of his care:
And may I yield to his commands
With reverence and fear.
5 Dear Lord I give myself to thee,
And pray for grace divine,
That I may live an die to be
Thine, and for ever thine.
Source: Church Hymn Book: consisting of newly composed hymns with the addition of hymns and psalms, from other authors, carefully adapted for the use of public worship, and many other occasions (1st ed.) #CCXLIV