O Lord, hear Thou my calling

O Lord, hear Thou my calling

Author: Clement Marot
Published in 1 hymnal

Representative Text

1 O Lord, hear Thou my calling,
Out of the deep I cry:
O make my prayer availing;
With aid to me draw nigh:
O mark my lamentation,
My restless sighing hear,
And to my supplication
Incline thy gracious ear.

2 If Thou shouldst mark abuses
And strict account demand,
O Lord, with what excuses
Could we before Thee stand?
But if with true contrition
Our sins we mourn and blame,
Thou savest from perdition
That we may fear Thy name.

3 In God my hope abideth,
My trust is in the Lord,
My soul in Him confideth
And builds upon His word:
My soul for Him is yearning,
More longing for His grace
Than daylight's sweet returning
The watchman longs to trace.

4 Be God thy strong foundation,
Thou chosen Israel;
Thy God with whom salvation
And mercy ever dwell;
His river ever streameth
With pardon full and free,
He Israel redeemeth
From all iniquity.

Source: The Lutheran Hymnary #218

Author: Clement Marot

Born: About 1497, Cahors, France. Died: August 1544, Turin, Italy. At age 16, Marot became a page to Nicolas de Neufville, and at age 21 Valet de Chambre to Marguerite de Valois. He later fought at Pavia, where he was wounded and taken prisoner with Francis I. From 1537-9 he translated about 30 psalms, which were published in 1542. He traveled widely, sometimes fleeing persecution, and stayed at various times in Savoy, Geneva, and Turin. Sources: Julian, p. 714 Lyrics; Rendez à Dieu Louange et Gloire http://www.hymntime.com/tch/bio/m/a/r/o/marot_c.htm… Go to person page >

Text Information

First Line: O Lord, hear Thou my calling
Author: Clement Marot
Language: English
Copyright: Public Domain



GENEVAN 130 was first published in the 1539 edition of the Genevan Psalter. The 1564 harmonization by Claude Goudimel (PHH 6) originally placed the melody in the tenor. GENEVAN 130 is a Dorian tune consisting of four long lines in which the rhythm of line 3 is a fitting contrast to the repeated rhyt…

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The Lutheran Hymnary #218

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