1. O Lord, rebuke me not in Wrath;
Nor, in thy Rage, chastise.
2. Thine Arrows stick in me; thy Hand
Sore pressing on me lies.
3. Thine Anger's Heat consumes my Flesh,
And leaves no Soundness there;
My Bones are pain'd, and find no Rest,
While all my Sins appear.
4. For o'er my Head, my Sins have rowl'd,
They're a vast Burden grown;
I Cannot bear their Punishment,
Nor their least Guilt atone.
5. My Foolishness hath made my Wounds,
Stench, and Corruption, grow.
6. Distress'd in Mind, and much bow'd down,
I all Day mourning go.
7. A violent Heat has seis'd my Loins;
And spread thro' ev'ry Part.
8. I'm feeble, broken sore, and roar,
Thro' Anguish of my Heart.
9. All my Desire, and Groans, O Lord,
To Thee are fully known.
1O. My Heart's perplex'd, my Strength doth fail;
Mine Eye-Sight's from me gone.
Second Part
11. Friends, and Companions, stand aloof,
To see my wretched Plight;
My Kinsmen stand far off, and gaze,
At such a dismal Sight.
11. Then they, who hunted for my Life,
Their Snares for me did lay;
And they, that fought my Hurt, spread Lies,
And fram'd Deceit all Day.
13. But, as one deaf, I did not hear;
As dumb, my Tongue was ty'd:
14. Thus, as if quite bereft of Sense,
I never once reply'd.
15. For in the Lord I trust; my God
Will answer when I call.
16. Hear me, (I said,) lest they insult,
And triumph when I fall.
17. For I am prone to halt; whilst Grief
Thus constant preys within.
18. To Thee, Lord, I'll confess my Fault;
With Sorrow for my Sin.
19. Mean while my Foes are lively grown,
Encreas'd in Strength and Pride;
They, that injuriosly me hate,
Are greatly multiply'd.
20. And they that Ill for Good reward,
A base ingratefull Crew,
Are now my Adversaries turn'd;
Because I Good pursue.
21. Forsake me not, O Lord; nor far,
My God, from me depart.
22. Make hast to rescue me; for thou,
Lord, my Salvation art.
Source: A New Version of the Psalms of David: Fitted to the Tunes Used in the Churches, With Several Hymns Out of the Old, and New, Testament #68