1 O Lord, thy blessing shower
on this assembly here;
O send thy spirit's power
and fill with holy fear
this sacred place:
our hearts inspire
with holy fire
and heavenly grace.
2 Our bishops fill with zeal
and power to speak thy word;
thy presence may they feel,
thy spirit stir them, Lord,
our hearts to move
by precepts clear,
by love sincere,
from thee above.
3 Let priests and laity sing
to thee their hymns of praise;
their offering to thee bring,
the offering of their days:
let hearts inspire
in holy fear,
in friendship dear,
and warm desire.
4 Let fruits of spirit move
and dwell in us, we pray:
thy peace and joy and love
attend us day by day;
and meekness, too,
long suffering, joy
without alloy,
faith, goodness true
Source: CPWI Hymnal #701