1. O Lord, when thou dost me rebuke.
Let not thine anger rise;
Nor thy displeasure fury grow.
When thou dost me chastise.
2. Have mercy upon me, O Lord,
Weakness my strength restrains;
O Lord, my health, and ease restore;
My bones are racked with pains.
3. My griefs, so many, and so great.
They e'en distract my mind ;
But, Lord how long shall I endure,
E'er I relief shall find.
4. In pity, now, O Lord return,
Raise my dejected soul;
And for thy tender mercy's sake,
O save, and make me whole.
5. If I to death's dark vault descend,
There none record thy name;
For who can in the silent grave,
With thanks, thy praise proclaim?
6. Weary, and faint with groans, I make
The bed on which I lay.
Each night, to swim with flowing rears;
And bathe my couch by day.
7. Continual grief has quite consumed
The vigor of mine eyes;
They're waxed dim, and old, because
Of all mine enemies.
8. But now, vile men depart from me.
Nor in vain plots rejoice;
Because the Lord will sure regard.
My tears, and mournful voice.
9. God, who of old heard my request,
My present suit will hear;
The Lord will graciously receive,
And answer, all my prayer.
10. Then shall my foes be clothed with shame,
With sore vexation fraught;
Yea, blush, and rage, to see their schemes,
To sudden ruin brought.
A New Version of the Psalms of David, 1752