1 O Lord, who's he within thy tent,
A sojourner shall be?
And who is he inhabit shall
Thy hill of sanctity?
2 The man that walketh uprightly
That worketh righteousness;
And he who from his heart doth speak
The words of faithfulness.
3 Who with the tongue backbiteth not,
Nor doth his neighbor hurt:
Now yet against his neighbor doth
Take up an ill report.
4 Whose eyes contemn the person vile:
But those the Lord that fear
He honors them, and changeth not,
Though to his hurt he swear.
5 Nor gives his coin to usury:
Nor take a bribe doth he
Against the harmless: thus who doth
Shall never moved be.
The Psalm, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs of the Old and New-Testament,1742