1 O radiant morn, when Jesus was born,
When angels the story sang;
From heaven above, on pinions of love,
An answering echo rang.
We're marching, marching, under the starlit skies,
Marching, Marching, where the Redeemer lies;
Singing, singing, Jesus is born today,
Marching along, singing a song all the way.
2 Hosannas we sing to Jesus, our King,
To Jesus, the Prince of Peace;
Whose wonderful birth enraptured the earth,
Whose reign nevermore shall cease. [Chorus]
3 Awake ev'ry voice, with singing rejoice,
And follow the splendor bright,
Let songs never end, but ever ascend
To Jesus, the world's true light [Chorus]
4 Then follow each day, the one narrow way,
And when earthly joys are past,
We'll dwell evermore with him we adore,
In heaven's bright home at last. [Chorus]
Source: The Voice of Praise: a compilation of the very best sacred songs for use in Sunday Schools and praise services #209